What is cleaning and disinfection? Knowing what cleaning and disinfection is of utmost importance for any business, home, personal and public spaces. Proper cleaning and disinfection lowers the number of germs on surfaces or objects to a safe level, as prescribed by public health standards or Occupational Health and Safety Standards.   What Is Cleaning? ...
Your employees spend a considerable amount of their time in your office space. No matter what their lifestyle looks like, if anything goes wrong with them inside the office, the official authorities will be blamed for the same. Likewise, if they fall sick during office hours, other employees will start doubting the environment in your...
There are some who strongly follow the ideology of ‘cleanliness is next to godliness,’ while there are others who don’t find it important. This phrase applies not only to our surroundings but also to our workplaces. Although a clean environment is essential for any residence, cleanliness at business carries more significance for your business’s bottom...